DD said: "Kelly, trusting you didn't have a chance to boot Kerry off the transom ........................., etc. "

Dan, I think you might have started something, here.

How's this sound.........................Kelley Roos for Pres. ?

Never too late to boot some SOBs off the transom, is it?

While I've never met the man, I've kinda' takin' a shine to 'im.

Wonderful methodoligy, dealing with the curent Congress..............clean, simple, and straightfoward.....with timing that only he could muster............" Kiss my AZZ. "

We're right around the corner , from the next election.......

we beter get with it.....Kelley O for Pres......

Campaign slogans now under solicitation............best Roos for pres slogan gets 32 Bertram .43 Spanish cases, and some Elephant BP.

Jeez I'd like to see Kelley in debate with some of these AZZholes........................( he's so diplomatic)

Hope he doesn't get pizzed off, ...............but, it was a bit drunk out, at the time of this writing.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain