Originally Posted by Bricktop
Out of the 10%, how many actually SHOOT left handed? And how many of that actually USE a left-handed rifle?

I have met innumerable people -- anecdotal information that's worth at least as much as any horseshit from Wikipedia -- who are genuinely left-handed without any opposite eye dominance and shoot right-handed because that's how they were taught. (Or in the case of a co-worker, because he didn't want to be "different" when he was growing up.) I had a former co-worker who was genuinely left-handed who would NOT buy anything left-handed, because he was concerned that his children be able to use or sell anything of his when he's gone. (He's also a dunce, but that's another matter.) ...

Two related, but different discussions: Economic vs equality...
First, on the economic front, let me state that I have no expectation that Left Hand firearms will be a treasure trove of profit for the manufacturers. You have to produce what you can sell profitably. No profit, no business. Have run my own business for a number of years. I get it.

But chicken or egg ? Would there be more left handed shooters buying and shooting left handed rifles (greater market demand) if a greater selection of left handed firearms were readily available at parity or close to parity cost ? I am one of the guys you reference above that shot right hand rifles from the left side for 40 years because that was all I knew. Now that I know better, I would like to have the same opportunity to purchase the more unique rifles available to right handers without having to go the full custom route, or scrounging the internet for days/months waiting for one to come up for sale...

On the equality front, why does our society treat left handers as second rate citizens due to our unique handedness ? Why should your coworker above have been treated any differently as a kid for being left handed ? Versus tall, short, whatever ? Where is the "tolerance" for diversity among handedness ?

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Originally Posted by Orion2000
please keep in mind that my previous post is in the spirit of open debate/discussion. not an attack on tmitch or anyone else... I'm not offended. And hopefully I do not offend no one else.
Take your lithium and calm down.

LOL ! I have often had the same thought after reading many of your rants... grin