Hello and thank you for contacting us at the 24HRCFPC. I apologize for my partner's tardiness in responding to your inquiry, and I apologize for his retardiness in general.

In his absence I have determined that according to my faint remembrance of the rules and my blind trust that you actually passed each of the challenges (since I haven't bothered to actually go back and look at any of it) you HAVE earned the right to be named a 24HourCampfire Pistolero.

Congratulations on your feat of amazing amazingness!!! I would recommend that you immediately begin carrying a club with you to protect yourself from the scores of swooning hotties that will inevitably hear of your success and seek you out as a potential baby daddy.

Please contact RickBin for your complimentary pair of aviators and your $10,000 prize.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling