You make an excellent point. Like boots and backpacks, what fits and works well for one, may be an ill match for another.

I've come to appreciate that whomever the Sako engineers used for middle of the road average dimensions for fit with this rifle, must have been my twin. Most everything they engineered into this platform, falls right into place with my needs for correct fit and function. So to the OP and this thread, if the shoe fits, it should come out of the box running like a champ. Well worth the price of admission. But, if you end up needing to Frankenstein the rifle, spending additional big bucks, due to an ill factory fit, you'd probably be better off going a different route.

�I've never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves -- it's just a question of finding the subject.�

- Clint Eastwood