
I get a kick outta your perpetual dumbfhuqqtitude and your incredible cluelessness. Someone who "knows" and "does" as "much" as you,had better be asking questions...instead of giving "answers".

You are a crumb nibbling lap dog and forever eager to try and drop names,which is funnier than [bleep]. "Surprisingly" enough,when it comes to you in the firsthand,you are lightyears shy of the requisite IQ to drive a Montucky,but you sure as schit can Whine about 'em and how they whipped your stupid ass. Laffin'!

I very much enjoyed your Neck Length Chronicles,you poor poor dumb kchunt.

It is a shame,that you are devoid the faculties to understand just how amazingly stupid you are,but ignorance is bliss and you are Blisseder than most.

Bless your heart.


You Whining Kchunt,it's always a treat to be regaled by you in regards to all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

As per always,it was a GOOD call to refrain all things The Rifle and stay steadfast with your perpetual Whine and the excuses.

The only thing you shoot is your mouth and Imagination.