Okan, I'll take the moose wink

It just isn't that difficult to keep a down bag dry. Synthetics have their place... they're less expensive (don't last as long) and require less attention, but they don't compress well and are heavier. That leaves them out of the equation for me, unless for a base-camp sort of bag.

My first decent synthetic bag was a Snow Lion I got in the mid 70's... saw me through a lot of sub-zero nights, but I'd never pack a synthetic on a bonafied backpack trip anymore given the choice, and I don't care where it is. I used the Snowlion when I couldn't afford a comparable down bag in my financially strapped youth for winter climbing.

This stuff just isn't that hard, but I believe so many people repeat so many things they have little or no experience with that it becomes some sort of gospel. I especially notice that here.

For down think decent tent and VBL in super wet/cold conditions.

Oh well.