I wonder if you didn't haul some of the stuff that we grew?

Maybe ours all went to Vancouver then, I'm not certain.

Do you have this feeling we could spend a few hours swapping stories if we ever had the chance crossfire? grin

Fermented grain and jellied rats indeed sir, yes that's a familiar essence to me I'm sorry to say. sick

When our big steel bins were empty we'd go block off the aeration fan with a chunk of plywood and then go inside the bin with however many farm cats we could bring along and then begin pulling up the flooring.

For one not used to seeing the floor moving it can be disconcerting.

The mice would be hiking up the rows of nuts that the held the bins together. The cats would have a mouse under each front paw, one in the mouth and be processing what to do next.

Man I don't like rodents crossfire - we've got pack rats here that ate a hole in two of my best saddle blankets and chewed both good bridles up beyond repair. No sir, I'm not a fan of the rodent one bit.

Its always a pleasure conversing with you over the ether space crossfire. Have a good one and stay safe.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"