Things turn to [bleep] very quickly after that last pig. We're cruising through the paddock at 20-30km/h looking for more porkers right on dusk when all of a sudden we hit a great big [bleep] hole, stopping us dead in our tracks and blowing the front left tyre on impact and totally smashing the rim of the tyre too. Dust and [bleep] goes everywhere. I later find a foot long white paint mark down my barrel where I must've hit the roof with it when we hit the hole.

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We can't reverse out of it either, even with the lockers on.

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So Battered bush bashes it forwards, something I wish I had of got on video camera. Dust flying, the ute revving it's tits off while it bounced it's way out on 3 wheels. We even bent the jack trying to put the new tyre on. The front end didn't look so good after that with a bent axle or stub axle(Battered can tell you exactly what got buggered) So the ute got [bleep] on the last night of the trip which wasn't a good way to end things.
A few more beers around camp that night
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