Saturday morning is pack up day. I snap Wal having a sleep in

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We drive out with the front left tyre making some funny noises through all our favourite spots from the past 5 days and don't even see one pig. Reaching an open spot where we'd shot pigs a few days before, Battered spies 2 dogs on the carcasses. They run off in different directions and when mine slows down a bit, I whacked him with the 7/08. Battereds dog runs off behind a depression in the hill and we are off after it. The previous damage of last night is forgotten as we chase this dog in the ute flat out. A few shots later, Battered gets his dog and it's all over. A real good way to end things.

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We thank our hosts for the week and head off to the Burke n Wills roadhouse where a 17 hour drinkathon takes place, was some night.
Battered drops me in Cloncurry the next day, I hitch hike into Mt Isa while he tries to limp the cruiser home to Brissy. 3 more plane rides for me and I make it home. Was it worth it, f#cken oath :goodstuff: