Originally Posted by K_Salonek
Thinking maybe a couple dozen baked-taters for Friday. I've got some garden chives and will bring some sour-cream, for Friday.

Not sure what the oven fits, it would be nice to go over so there are enough baked potatoes to shred for hash browns in the am.

Cooler space is something to keep in mind. We can make shade for the coolers, anyone can't think of anything else? Bring themselves and a bag of ice. Or just themselves!


I'll bring a 120 quart cooler with ice and a 12-pack. So there should be extra room.

Your oven is really neat but it will take several shifts to cook 30 baked potatoes. I'll bring a roll of aluminum foil and some margarine. We can bake potatoes in the coals of the campfire.


Wind in my hair, Sun on my face, I gazed at the wide open spaces, And I was at home.