Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
I'm curious what everyone considers "defending". I keep hearing about how cops are always defending everything, but don't see it.
Mainly by running interference, such as by ridiculing those who are objecting to troubling recent developments, or by just promoting a general attitude of absurdity and comedy within said threads, suggesting that he doesn't consider the subject to be worth serious consideration.

You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Essentially you're complaining that I'm being a big fat meanie head, right?
Not complaining so much as correcting, since you were playing all innocent as to defending bad cops and bad cop trends because you don't engage in actual argumentation in their defense. My point is that defense can be accomplished by other, less admirable, means.

Last edited by The_Real_Hawkeye; 07/01/14. Reason: Autocorrect Error Corrected