Originally Posted by NH K9
Laffin'......the "thick" comment was a nice touch. We are, of course, all familiar with how intelligent you fancy yourself. Of course, IMO, it's similar to being pretty or tough: if you have to tell folks you are.......

You're unlikely to find a stronger supporter of local control anywhere. It's why I stayed in a small, rural State and why I live in a small town still un via a Town Meeting. It's also why I work where I do. I'm on record here (numerous times) that my AO is my problem, not "yours" while "your" issues aren't my concern.

My issue isn't local control, it's your apparent support for a law/ordinance that would interfere with something as foolish as pants.
You have every right to vote against public decency laws in your AO. Given the chance, I'd like to uphold minimum public decency standards where I live.