If you use discipline, build relationships, burn gasoline, you'll get 22 ammo too.

If you go to Walmart in the AM, its gone already most of the time. Generally the evening shift unloads trucks and stocks the shelves between 4:30 and 8:30PM

I find it endlessly and I buy all I can at regular prices only. Even though I give much of it away to youngins, I have over 150,000 rounds and one gun.

Gremcat is right, min wage employees just don't care nor do they even like the subject anymore.

I think they ship most of the 22 ammo to Texas because I see it everyday somewhere. I pick up at least 2800 rounds a week bulk ( thats like two buckets of 1400 rems). I sell it to groups for cost plus a 5lb bag of Peanut M&M's. Stingers are hell to get though.

Last edited by JohnnyLoco; 07/25/14.