Originally Posted by oldtrapper
If ya get hit by a Mac truck, your end times just came. Just sayin.


Worded differently, and well, but the same point a few of us have tried to make.

I am about to embark on a bit of a spiritual journey, re thinking and re reading things in the prophetic books that I have not spent much time on in a while. That said, I am not one to get too worked up over prophecy even though I know that we should all have a working understanding of it and be awake, alert and aware. At the end of the day - or end of time, I know that my personal 'end times' whether they come through war, disease or other cause are sealed and set. God knows the when and how, and I have total trust in HIM and him alone. I also trust in his love and care for me, and in the provision he has made for me, which I have accepted and fully signed on to. A provision through the shed blood of his son Jesus that guarantees those of us who have made Gods son the Lord (ruler) of our lives and believers of his words and hope, fantastic, out of this world, and eternal retirement benefits.

Those of us who post in or start threads along this line, do so in hopes that more of our friends here at 24hrcf will see the error and utter foolishness of living for one's self and grab ahold of the amazing love and hope and future that God has for you. For this reason we have, and probably will some more, start threads of this type from time to time.

All of us who do this, i.e. put forth something to encourage our friends here to take a new look and give further consideration to this truth and awesome news of Gods amazing grace and forgiveness, do so imperfectly for sure. But we must try. And try out of sincere concern and love for those of you who are now scoffing or making fun, we try.

With the utmost sincerity and Godly love and concern for you all,


Last edited by safariman; 07/28/14.

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500