This is what we all do not know here. If the perp was on his back or stomach stabbing away in defense then this was a bad shoot. If he was upright and able to close distance between himself and the officer then that is a different story. But if, as many of us here suspect, this previously running perp or suspect was on the ground and only fighting for his safety and life then this cop is probably in big time hot water, and rightfully so.

...looks like "many here" are having some sorta' conniption fit / anxiety attack / or nervous breakdown,...posting about these stupid, and totally chitty "Suspicions".

"Suspicions" founded in WHAT !?

You find yourself at close quarters, in a dark place, with a CAR JACKER wielding a bloody knife,...

OOOOooooo, I know,...we'll call Ann Landers, or Miss Manners for Legal advice.

Lotta crazy, and really STUPID crap being posted about this event.


Last edited by crossfireoops; 08/28/14.

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain