"Truth is my Doctor is worried about me and has me seeing a Stress Management Specialist, and a Doctor who deals specifically with Stress Induced Hypertension. I am practicing yoga and will be exploring Tai Chi. But first, before the Tai Chi, I am getting away from it all, several weeks in a small cottage on the banks of a river, in a small town, in my favorite place in the world."

Miss Lynn, I'm going with you but to a different place. Thursday morning I will point my old Alaskan camper south to first wander thru Wyoming, then Colorado , and then head on either to New Mexico or turn east to Kansas and then north east Oklahoma. I have never experienced stress problems and outside of a couple of bouts with cancer have been very healthy. Thank God for that.

I certainly wish you were healthy so you could enjoy your trip as much as I am planning on enjoying mine. The only restriction for me is that I have to be back here by the 26th and that HAS to be. Enjoy your rest and come back healthy.

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.