Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by pira114
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by UPhiker
Our local sheriff's department is a joke. It's not what they where, it's how they wear it. They look like sloppy, homeless people. Ripped jumpsuits, backwards baseball caps, etc etc.

We aren't allowed to wear baseball caps in uniform. If you're in Dress,or class A uniforms you will wear a campaign hat whenever you'reout of the vehicle, unless you're inside a building. If you are in class B, no hat in the summer, and a knit hat in the winter is optional

We can wear ball caps in inclement weather only. Knit cap when the watch commander says it's cold enough.

Class A's are long sleeve, tie, Ike Jacket, and Smokey Bear cover. All borrowed from the military decades ago by the way. Wonder why that's OK?

I can't imagine telling officers they can't wear a cover. Just makes no sense to me. Can someone help me with that reasoning?

Ironically, they don't think it looks professional