Originally Posted by Rovering
Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Well fugg, we import everything else, why not a virus or three, hey?

Gotta ask a simple question here. How easy would it have been maybe a month or three back to block travel between the U.S. and Africa or regions therein until this chitt settles out?

Fed right the fug up with the Federal Government.

Only travel from the infected region needed to be block.

Aid, researchers, and would be do-gooders could have still be allowed to travel to the Ebola region. Those going in would just have had to go for the duration.

wow, you know jack chit about the way international travel works dont you? hell when i went to Australia i did it via Tokyo and Singapore....blocking just people coming from the whole of Africa is gonna do jack chit unless every country world wide does.....cause if yu pass the phugger in an airport anywhere in the world before coming here you can catch it and bring it....

like i said in the other post, this is going to be one interesting personal freedom rabbit hole we are going to go down, my only surprise is it hasnt happened earlier and the dumb chit in charge isnt giving me a warm fuzzy feeling with how its going to play out

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books