Originally Posted by MILES58
Originally Posted by Rovering

Central Africa has no indigenous aviation capacity. In all of Africa only RSA has any entirely indigenous aviation capacity, and it is not intercontinental. Planes, spares, and almost all ATC and pilots are from outside the region. An FAA followed by an ICAO flight restriction instantly leaves them no means of rapid travel to spread Ebola.

A raft made from oil drums and old Chevy station wagons isn't going to get them from Liberia to America, certainly not in time to spread Ebola.

Bulls--t top to bottom. How f--king stupid are you???

Not only is there a pretty fair amount of private and public air travel available, there s a s--tload of countries providing air travel. Many of the countries are notoriously corrupt making an embargo on people with a few bucks virtually impossible, much like Mexico.

We can't keep children from crossing the border. How in hell can you even begin to dream up a scenario in which we could secure a much longer, much more difficult border in a fully sovereign country(s) on another continent? Not a damn prayer.

Your screaming insults doesn't change facts.

The region has no indigenous aviation and the continent's only indigenous aviation is in RSA and is not intercontinental.

A TFR from FAA and ICAO could instantly cease all legal flights from the Ebola region.

Many pilots are already refusing flights to the region and lobbying for those TFRs.