Originally Posted by FlaRick
And, the same heath care system that Miles has so much confidence in regarding their ability to handle domestic cases of Ebola screwed up their first encounter with the disease resulting in many others here in America being needlessly exposed.


This argument that if you can't stop 100% of Ebola victims from coming here means that you don't take steps to stop 90% or more is completely absurd.

Hey, Miles, please take note that I resisted calling you an idiot even though you are incapable of extending a similar courtesy.

They did what they have been trained to do and they continue to do so. This response is a perfect example of why this fire needs to be put out over there as soon as possible and how we will benefit.

Fearmongers like Rick don't get that it's going to add similar cost all up and down the line to screen everyone every time someone presents with symptoms that could be Ebola.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Screen every feverish patient for Ebola and trace all of his/her contacts for the past two weeks and quarantine/monitor them? Where is that money going to come from? How many people will be shunted into that rat hole while the system proves they aren't Ebola?

How [bleep] stupid is that idea?