It wasn't just the condemnation of the AR that killed Zumbo's career! His ego got so much bigger than most folks would put up with. In the months leading up to the AR comments he also did articles stating that no one needs scopes with higher magnification than the 3 to 9 he was using and that manufacturers should quit producing them!

Zumbo reminds me of Osama Obama in a way! He elected himself God of all things gun and hunting related and that all should follow blindly his eidct's! He killed his own career and I don't feel sorry for him at all!

I do agree with Magnum Man! If we could kill the emperor's career as quickly and easily as we did Zumbo's I'd be a happy camper and the country could start it's healing process.

Zumbo's comment seemed to hit the internet on a Friday night (if I remember correctly). That (Not a member, just stooped by to see what it was about) got wind of it and called for a "Fire Mission"! Almost instantly thousands of AR owners flooded Zumbo's sponsors with hate mail and promises to never use their products again! By Monday morning, Mr Zumbo's career was over! WHY THE HELL CAN"T WE DO THE SAME TO OSAMA OBAMA!

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns! (from a 1960's bumper sticker)