Originally Posted by 4ager

That "Campfire" of which you speak burned out long ago. It's been replaced by a shill's paradise.

The owner, who used to be a regular, sold out long ago. Reference the political ads and the other crap that pops up so often and veraciously that most people here run ad block software just for this site. It doesn't matter, as he gets paid for hit traffic and clicks on ads where you are likely to click on the accidentally.

After the owner sold out, the Classified became a free-for-all and those who do nothing other than run businesses through here (legally or otherwise - safariman and Larry Root types) dominate it.

If you get REALLY lucky, you'll catch a deal still ever blue moon. Otherwise, it just isn't worth even checking here any longer.

As with the nation, sites often follow the path of their leader. This one has been obvious for a while.

Bitching about something free and how something is not perfect for them.

Gotta be a Democrat...

- Greg

Success is found at the intersection of planning, hard work, and stubbornness.