Originally Posted by GeoW

Facts is facts smile

"You'll have one HELL of a challenge in attempting to cast even the slightest bit of shadow upon the character of safariman. He's about as quality of a man as you'll find anywhere.

Your post only makes me question your integrity..."

Are these not your words?

Sure were, before all of the facts came to light. I said it would be a challenge. Didn't say it was impossible.

I'm with rattler on this. Some of us had hunted with him, shared meals with he and his wife, received gifts from him, watched him dote on our children and weren't shown the other side until everything came to a head here.

I was mislead, it happens. Kind of like how I used to think you were a stand up guy too. Clearly I am a poor judge of character.

So, once again, since he is NOT my "uber best buddy friend", clearly you are confused. Nothing new of course.

What does any of that have to do with the OP acting like a little girl with the whining?

Furthermore, why did you feel the need to lash out when he was called out? You two have something going on that we should know about? Is he your "uber best buddy friend?"

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.