Thanks folks. A couple other things. Don't just write one letter. Write often, and don't stop. Get friends to do the same. For many months. Twice a month. Communicate. Do it often. Do not stop.

Remember Miracle on 34th Street? I'm thinking about the court case where thousands of letters to the post office are dumped on the judge's desk. The judge declares Kris Kringle to be the real Santa Claus. He wasn't going to dispute the post office. Volume wins!

Write the advertisers. For many months. Twice a month. And your friends too. Get your kid's class to write. Name drop. Tell them it's too bad that the folksy and/or funny stories have disappeared.

But do it with real paper, not just emails. It's actually easy. Write the email. Save the email. Print it. Make it look like a properly written letter and mail it.

Name drop. If you remember Gramps and the kid going bird hunting with an 870, tell Remington. For many months. Twice a month. And your friends too.

Remember, all the big companies are ruled by old, fat white guys who only care about money. If you can convince them that people will spend their money after reading things like this, they'll change.

It won't happen overnight. When it does happen, continue to write them. Tell the boardroom how great it is to read stuff like that. Stroke their egos.

Above all, bombard them with paper letters just as much as emails.

Where did I put my anti-psychotic meds again?

Safe Shooting!
Steve Redgwell

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
Member - Professional Outdoor Media Association of Canada
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