Originally Posted by ironbender
Sarah doesn't bother me a bit. Her speech pattern and sytax are just the way she speaks. Some of you guys sound like you think it's contrived. I think she would be awesome as the RNC Chair.

Barring that, I hope she runs against Liiisa in 2 years.
... hopefully running for office again in the future too.

That Palin record I am always talking about includes the simple fact that Sarah has never been on the legislative side of the political spectrum.

At every level in over 20 plus years, Sarah has served as an executive. And built her record at every level on getting things done as the boss.

And she has never stepped back to run at a lower level. Or spend much time looking into rear view mirrors.

No Vice Presidential candidate has ever pulled off what Sarah did in those ten weeks for McCain. And did it with one arm tied behind her back by the McCain Staff Stupids when they realized she was outshining their guy.

What would or should Sarah step back from the opportunity to do it again? But this time on her own terms?

What if those ten weeks would repeat themselves in 2016?

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."