Originally Posted by benchman
Funny thing about Palin. Just as an empty suit like Obama can be propped up with theater, so can somebody who is actually good, smart, and effective be portrayed as an idiot. The problem is, it is basically ALL theater, at this point. Reality does not matter, apparently. I guess some people just do not WANT to do their own thinking. Unbelievably, there is still support for Obama. His administration has failed in nearly everything it has touched. Leftists chalk it up to right wing lies, because they are TOLD to. No thinking required - we'll tell you what to think. Even personal stuff that should be a no brainer is obfuscated. Born in the US? Not according to his wife, and the bio in the Harvard Law Review. (We have actually never seen a birth certificate, by the way. Even the Governor of Hawaii could not find it) Not a Muslim? He was raised as one, and claims to stand with his Muslim brothers, should things get dicey. (should be noted that Black Liberation Theology is a LOT like Islam, and Pastor Wright was a Muslim, when he was in the Marines) Palin's stupidity and ineffectiveness is a fabrication of the media. Obama's intelligence and success is also a fabrication of the media.

I am playing catch up ball here and trying to answer all those who have posted directly to me.

I agree that much of politics is theater and that is why I'm always preaching to look at the record.
Too many do not do that and buy into the LSM that Obama, now replaced by Hillary, can walk on water and Sarah is an idiot.
A lot of that Sarah Palin derangement syndrome shows up even here. Never mind the record...the real world.

The Palin record is an easy look up but not so easy to match. Obama or Hillary? I don't think so...

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."