Yes slobs are slobs, I shot an elk this weekend at a moderate range of 530 yards. I was shooting a 280AI. My shot poked a hole through the left shoulder and exited out the neck on the opposite side as the elk was quartering away at the shot. The elk started to side hill and and expired about 50 yards from where he stood at the shot. I talked to some other hunters later in the day who didn't see the elk until I shot, one proceeded to tell me he was at 600 yards away and had the elk in his scope as it was side hilling free hand, said he had a good shot and was about to drop it just before it went down...

The next day out of that same bunch of morons a guy, who is apparently the leader of the bunch said he missed an elk the night before at 730 yards. He said he shot over its back, and had held just a little too high. Then he told us he took the shot because he knew his bullet would go that far...

So yes slobs will be slobs, long range, short range, or just life in general, cased closed. So I'm not sure why people feel the need to attack people who have taken game at long range when it isn't about long range, it is about being a slob.