Originally Posted by 30338
Could someone put a bullet in the head of the ethanol farce and get this friggin pipeline built? We can drop food prices and gas prices at the same time.

As well as minimize the farce of short-supply diesel in corn country every spring and every fall. The petroleum marketers talk about how demand outstrips their best estimates every fall due to increased production acres. They need to buy some data from the crop ins. industry so that they know what to have and where to have it all fall long. 87 10% eth. gasoline is ~$2.70-$2.80 here and plain old #2 diesel is over $4. It's getting to the point that even the most stalwart supply and demand conservatives think the regionalized seasonal shortages story is BS. IMO, the oil Co's. are playing a dangerous game that's going to potentially cost them their ability to price the market on their own. Plant shut-downs/turnarounds during the 3 big summer travel weekends and fall harvest creating shortages of gasoline, diesel, and last winter propane ain't gonna fly too many more times no matter what party is in power in DC.

Let's get serious for a minute, the SOB's cost me an extra $250-$300 every hunting season with this "regionalized shortage" diesel BS.

Last edited by horse1; 11/21/14.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.