Originally Posted by watch4bear
If TransCanada, an international company, desires to walk away from a spill and not pay for the clean-up, it will be the taxpayer who pays.

I know your here for damage control, and to parrot your president, but ask BP about anteing up after a spill.

As to jobs, I suppose a few is too many huh?

BP has antied up a lot of money in cleaning up the Gulf ($27-28 billion)

And the "White House says 75% of oil captured, burned off, evaporated or broken down as 'static kill' operaion shows signs of working" according to "The Guardian" newspaper (see: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/aug/04/bp-static-kill-successful ), but, 75% means that 25% still remains, after spending about $28 billions (see: http://www.bp.com/en/global/corpora...ill&gclid=CM6Fm8rUkcICFU4V7Aod-1QAfQ )

And, there is no "too few" jobs; all jobs are important. but, at what cost or potential cost. If a leak in the KP occurs, who will pay for it and will a limited number of jobs justify it? As an Alaska resident, perhaps y0ou can speak for the Alaska fishermen whose livelihoods were impacted by the Exxon Valdez a long time ago or, don't their jobs count?