Originally Posted by CowboyTim
Originally Posted by tbear99
ok i got a marlin 444 that i hunt with.I need to figure out a scope for this gun.I was using a cheap 4-12 bushnell that gave out this year after several years.I use a old k4 weaver on my savage 99's and like the fixed 4x power scopes.This is only a 200 yard gun if i need longer range i'd switch to a better suited gun.My standard shots are from 30 yards to 150 with majority around 50 or 100 yards.

So wich scope would you recomend for my situation

A 6x is GREAT in the thick stuff.

So why does the consensus seem to be that you need a 6x scope for a 200 yard shot? Give me the extra field of view and faster target acquisition of a 4x or a 2.5x at that range. A 6x on a "brush gun" is kind of like doing trim work with a framing hammer sure you can pull it off, but there are better tools for the job.

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