Originally Posted by WayneShaw
I had a bunch of tests done to see if I have RA, but nothing was conclusive. I do have osteoarthitis.The doc put me on Plaquanil but it tore my guts up, and I quit. My joints still hurt though. My brother takes Celebrex and says he would be in bad shape without it. Aside from Aleve or Advil, what works best?

Tests for RA are usually fairly precise. You either have it or you dont. So if you haven't seen a rheumatologist see one soon because most GP's are clueless when it comes to diagnosing autoimmune diseases. Having to wait 12 months to see a specialist is nonsense. Kick up a stink or get a referal from a another specialist (if your seeing one) A referal from a specialist always holds more weight than one from a GP.