If you use the price deflator, between 1971 and 2011 the dollar lost 77.5% of it's value.
It would take $4.44 in 2011 to buy the same goods and services you could buy in 1971. However if we extend you example and go back another 40 years, the would take $2.79 1971 dollars to purchase the same good and services as you could in 1931. During this 40 year period, the dollar lost 64% of it's value, much most of which we were on your coveted Gold Standard.


There you go again, majoring in minors. Also, you again are trying to put words in my mouth. How do you conclude that I "covet ... a Gold Standard?"



The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”