The 223 is the little engine that could. The govt had to make sure it was a success and private business took over. The 223 is available everywhere, in every action. NASA has apparently abandoned its plans to create "laser wpns" and is sticking with the 223. SDI technology has evolved to the point where satellites armed with banks of 223s have been launched. Their armament is gajillions of nuclear tipped 80 gr. .224 bullets.

And the heavens will shake, and the sky will burn red with fire. Or maybe more of an orangy-red. Nothing will be as it was. And stuff will rain down like rain when it is raining, except that it will not be wet or fall from the clouds or anything like that. But people will be afraid. Really afraid...

I think we can all understand the incredible advances to an idea Eugene Stoner had while daydreaming.

It's good that you are doing this. You and others like you that truly understand the power will chase away the ones who think you need big diameter bullets to kill stuff.

Safe Shooting!
Steve Redgwell

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
Member - Professional Outdoor Media Association of Canada
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