10x14 is a two man tent in my opinion, with heater/stove and some storage room, assuming cots are used. Also check out the Springbar. When I called they said they'd install a stove-jack for a small fee.

You'll need tarps in the snow. The canvas is great during archery elk... seems to stay cooler than a synthetic tent but in the cold I swear that cold air blows right through the canvas. You can get a fairly steep pitch with tarps to help the snow slide off, but exposed canvas can collect snow like a magnet. The walls are not vertical like a wall-tent.

The floor on the Kodiak is rugged. Overall a nice tent made off-shore. Easy to set-up by one person, fairly lightweight, decent stakes, etc. Like all canvas, its heavy when wet but no problem with vehicle. Springbar is the original, made in USA, but I don't think the floor is quite as tough.

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