Originally Posted by 4ager

Show me a research scientist that doesn't go for funding and produce results to generate additional funding, and I'll show you an unemployed academic.

Stop and think, that's what they do. That's why they're on the government tit, because they do the kind of research that private industry doesn't make money from, yet we still need it done.

That line of thinking from the right is just crazy. It's like saying, I don't believe in Cardiac Artery Disease...show me a cardiologist who doesn't make his money from Cardiac Artery Disease.

And you want me to believe that over 15,000 of these researchers all across the world are all "in" on the scam?

Now which is easier to believe. 15,000 scientists across the world in on a big scam.


The science (despite those who have done reprehensible things) just plain points to the conclusions they make?