Originally Posted by eyeball
Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by GunGeek

There are well over 15,000 scientists across the world who are onboard with climate change being man made. Are you telling me that all 15,000 are in on the conspiracy?

No, there are not. There are well over 15,000 who say we CONTRIBUTE to it.

Big difference. Especially when you consider that around 10k years ago my cabin was under a thick sheet of ice......one that melted without any help from the human race.

Eventually our sun will expand and engulf the rock we live on in flames. Just something to think about.

(I am not saying we shouldn't be prudent and good stewards of our resources, jut pointing out that it may not be an awesome idea to destroy economies trying to fight something that we barely have any impact on)

Unless the sun burns out and then it will get colder than a well diggers a__ on this old rock.

It expands (to a diameter that would include our orbit) before it goes out. At least that is what they told me back in school.....along with warnings about the next ice age that was coming......
