Pedersoli makes some Good and some not so good . Personally I don’t think their quality is what it was and their prices are right there with the custom guns.
One of the issue I think we face is that Society , IMO has moved more to instant gratification / want it now . Its not just traditional muzzleloaders , I see it in the Modern movement as well . How many times have we read on this forum where a shooter posts some very good patterns .
Normally they will post that they used powder X , bullet X , lube X …… only to have someone say that they the bullet is crap and never has shot well for them or the lube doesn’t work …… many times this if followed by a couple pages of peoples poor experience’s during hunting …… .
But no one ever asks about how much time was put in getting to get those results or what the shooter did different so as to get those results . On the slight chance someone does . They then seem to expect to achieve the exact same results instantly .

Myself I have used flintlocks for years and I still get the comment that they don’t work in wet weather and that the ignition is slow .
That comment is correct if we don’t take the time to learn what “WE” need to do so as to make them work reliably in wet weather and fire correctly .
Thus what happens is a reputation has been built based around , poor quality ,lack of knowledge and the in ability /want to gain that knowledge .

Im not trying to insult anyone here , I just find this a good example.
lets use the current comments about screw in chokes .
How many folks know why was it that Cylinder bores held favor for so long , when screw on adjustable chokes, choked bores and jug choking had been around for a very long time but didn’t gain real favor tell the end of the 19th century ?
Why have we for some reason stopped being able to ask .
How they got a choked bore loaded ?
How is it that cylinder bores held the day even in BP cartridge guns well through the Public Trial competitions of 1850 through around 1880‘s continually posting scores well above the choked bore ?
What changed so as to achieve the results we see today with chokes ?
Greener wrote volumes on this very subject ., going into great detail . That information is out there , all we have to do is reach out and grasp it ..

As time has gone on I think the nature is to blame the mechanism instead of possibly human nature.
IE its old and there for wont work as well as something new . / progress is good because its new .
When factually in most cases we are doing nothing but re-inventing the wheel , changing its color ,calling it progress . Yet time and time again history re-lives itself because we forget the past and there for relive it do to so called progress .

Last edited by captchee; 02/08/15.

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