Here in the East, things are somewhat different. Whitetails are under siege pretty much from September until January and there are still too many almost everywhere. Access to hunting ground in areas with lots of deer and people is limited, so the automobile becomes a major control factor, along with depredation hunts by government snipers using night vision and silencers. There are some token special hunts, mostly for archers, in suburban parks, but there's a lot of friction between the hunters, government killers, and the Bambi huggers. In one local park in Virginia, the archers were warned off some good areas by the snipers, completely without authority. It wasn't according to the rules, but who's going to argue with cops?

Permission to hunt on private land is difficult to get almost everywhere, and public land gets very busy, at least early in the season, and of course the deer quickly migrate to nearby private land.

Everybody's got different problems and circumstances to deal with. I'm just glad that for the most part at least we get to use whatever we want to hunt with, once we find a place to do it.

What fresh Hell is this?