Gawd, I detest this sort of crap, it really detracts from a great forum and is so useless to anyone seeking advice from the more experienced guys here.

KC, in the years I have participated in this forum, I have always had great respect for your opinions and posts, based on a lot of experience.

I am saddened to read your unwarranted comments here on Kevin and EdT, whom I alsio greatly respect. NO, I have never bought anything from either of them, never met them and have spoken on the phone only with Kevin, so, this is just an uninvolved opinion.

I think your behaviour here is foolish, uncalled for and offensive and should cease now.

I am about your age, started hikingat age 10, solo camping in the BC wilderness in 1964 and have spent many periods alone in my mountain tents, in every month and for weeks at a time.

I have used/owned many tents, including three Hilles, four tipis and two wood stoves. For ME, in BC, for my usual trips now, I prefer my Hilles for several reasons. But, a heated tipi, properly set up is FAR more liveable and for longer trips, it is better in most situations.

So, maybe give some credibility and respect to Ed and Kevin, they well deserve it.