I'm largely in agreement with biardi.

NR sheep tags are vastly underpriced. CO is filthy with elk, and it costs NR nearly as much for a cow elk tag as it does for an Alaskan Ram, and, IIRC from my hunt in Idaho a decade or more back, (Idaho is also also filthy with elk) $800 for a tag there. Surely NR Alaska Sheep tags should go for at least $750. I'm not against a $20-40 resident tag fee either.

I want at least one more sheep hunt with a reasonable chance of success, within my budget.........

There would be more sheep available in saome locations if there was less poaching by "those more equal", judging by stories I've heard locally in the last 3 years.. I've been here 5, but these "trust/BS" things take time..... smile

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.