I would like to link to a few websites I follow.

http://earlyretirementextreme.com/ : A very smart website, that started it for me. I dont expect to many to be able to follow the theme of the website. Its written by a PHD in Astrophysics, so the "language" may be difficult for some.

Its basicly, live very frugaly and save and invest the rest. Learn to do things, instead of buying services from others. Live like your grandpartens did in the 1920-1950. You are now living in unimaginable surplus compered to them, but are squandering it by buying to much s**t and/or living on credit(cards).

http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ : A more main stream website. Has lots of good advice, and a larger following due to easier methods and easier language.

I`m able to retire very comfortable at age 40 witout ever working again.. but am aiming for 36, with a "semi-retiermt", where I will be employed doing what I find interesting.

I like living frugaly..

Last edited by Northman; 03/18/15.

The US in the last 40 years:

Socialism for big corporations and military industrial complex


Rugged individualism for the individual.