The S&W performance center revolvers are nice and generally very accurate. They are also expense and usually heavy, most of the ones I've shot were heavier than a Redhawk which is not light. Weight does aid in recoil absorption and steady holding, just makes them more of a chore to pack.

I would look for a standard 629 or 29 with no more than a 6" barrel. Or if you want to save a few nickels look for a used SuperBlackhawk. I'm not a fan of scopes on revolvers but that is up to you, FWIW all new S&Ws come drilled for scope mounts the holes are hidden under the rear sight. Aside from the Hunter models a Ruger will need to be D&T but I've seen super smoking deals on used Ruger SAs over the years, might save enough with a little shopping to get it D&Ted and still save money.

I think if you find something that you think you like and start shooting the heck out of it you'll end up liking the handiness of an iron sighted, medium weight big bore. Might become something you just like to pack around in a good holster when out hiking and goofing off that does double duty as a deer gun. I've packed my Bisleys countless hours fishing and hiking and have taken a bit of small game with them as incidental camp food over the years.