Originally Posted by AMRA
Tag! Thanks!
I am trying to talk my better half into getting me
a Excalibur x-bow

I bought an Excaliber Matrix 330 a while back. It's a simple bulletproof bow.

The scope has range markers and it's duck soup to hit what you want out to fifty yards I haven't shot it past that range since I don't think it's such a good idea shooting even that far because like any crossbow, it's noisy. At fifty yards it will hold a couple inches. It is so fast that at 20-30 yards I doubt Bambi will jump much. I have no doubt that a 2 inch rage will go all the way through, maybe even at fifty yards.

I took a couple of cold-shuts and put them on a piece of nylon rope as a tool to cock it so I could change the string.

like every crossbow I've picked up, it doesn't hold steady for off hand shooting like a rifle, but like I said at fifty yards it'll still hold a couple inches off hand. The only thing I've shot with it so far is a pocket gopher who chose the range to be digging in. Not much of a test, but blood is blood.

So far I still like it better than any of the compound crossbows I've tried including a very compact model.