Originally Posted by rost495

Sure shows a lot of folks being dumbazzes then.

Which has no bearing on my comment that mechanical heads can be trouble.

You used fixed or mechanical? How many archery deer you kill? How long have you bowhunted?

Been my experience a lot of folks are dumbazzes. Makes no matter what they shoot.

With this crossbow I will be shooting mechanicals. Looks to me like they'll hit hard enough to work right every time. Might be wrong, but I don't think so. More prone to have a problem than fixed? Yeah, probably if you don't count that fixed cant fly as well. Looks like a wash to me all things considered.

I killed my first deer with a bow in '62 or '63. Not many though compared to what I kill with rifles. All with fixed blades though. I plan on killing four this year and they will be all butchered by me, so I'll know what the blades can do, and have some idea of their potential for failure if I'm lucky.