A line from Bob Seger's "Night Moves" comes to mind:

"She used me and I used her but neither one cared,,,,we were gettin our share. Workin on a night moves".

When a man realizes that he is simply a means to an end, especially where kids are involved, he'll have a lot more harmonious outcome. This is how the species survives.

Biblical men who listened to their women and what schitt followed:

Adam/Eve, Abraham/Sarah/Hagar/Muslim religion, Herod/Salome (his head or you ain't getting any head), King David (building idols for some of his many wives to worship), Solomon (750 wives), Ananias.

Women who didn't listen their man - Lot's wife, Gomer, etc., etc.

Bottom line - listen to your gut not your main squeeze or love slave.

That's all.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.