Originally Posted by Sycamore

I'm not sure the Duggars are really a traditional, christian family.

They belong to the "quiverfull" movement, espoused by Bill Gothard, and his organization, Advanced Training Institute.

I would have to agree, The Duggars are not a traditional Christian family in the sense most middle Americans consider "traditional". They hold to the Quiverfull movement, which is a fundamentalist philosophy (I don't know that it qualifies as a sect, or a cult) that adheres to very rigid concepts of morality.

A lot of the grouchy bastards who post on this forum regularly about the loss of traditional American values appear to be in agreement with the basic principles of Quiverfull folks, IMHO.

But having lived among folks of this strict fundamentalist mindset myself in the past, and being a long-ago graduate of Bill Gothard's Institue in Basic Youth Conflicts (now Institute in Basic Life Principles) I would not care to embrace their philosophy or lifestyle myself at all, at all. It seems like a sensible program until you start to dig into the nuts & bolts of it, and actually try to live it. Highly restrictive, inflexible, judgmental... these are terms that come to mind. They don't hold with liquor, dancing, screwing, divorcing, tobacco, etc... basically, they're Uber-Baptists. Makes me shudder just to type that!!!

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars