Scopes help you see the target in poor light, Has nothing to do with range, a scope is just as useful at 20 yards as 200. In good light I'm almost as good with irons at 200 yards as with glass. In poor light I can't the sights or the target with irons. This is where a scope comes in handy. They are a much better option in thick, dark brush than irons because they allow you to see holes in the brush to shoot through. It can bee too dark to see the irons at 4 PM on a cloudy day in winter in some thick spots where I hunt.

Most people use too much magnification. A 1X or 2X scope is faster on target up close than irons. My favorite variables are either 1-4X or 2-7X. I almost never take them off the lowest setting for anything other than zeroing.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.