Originally Posted by safariman
This is one of the topics I was going to be covering with you on our telephone call. I was MDRT and top 1% in the Nation for 18 straight years before I retired, averaging $20,000 a month in commisions / bonuses. VAnimrod aka Sean Clarkston can verify this if someone needed such as he worked in the saame business and overall carrier(s) as me for a few years and saw my name on the reports.

A succsessful agent will ALWAYS have THREE or more marketing systems working for him and in play at all times. To be good in this busineses, one must be a good presenter, a good closer and a GREAT marketer.

Some marketing sytems that worked well for me included:

Direct mail hit pieces with response cards

Multi topic/panelof experts Seminars/workshops with response cards for attendees to fill out (AWSOME leads and clients from these events, but expensive to do right)

Cold calling - STILL works when done right or hired out like I did

Door to door - again still works when done correctly

REFERRALS! Free, terrific leads, and EASY to get when one asks the right way. If you make the phone call to me that I have been waiting for I will give you all of the details on the refferal system as well as how I filed up large rooms with affluent folks for workshops.

This business can either be the hardest $50,000 a year job you ever had or the easiest $200,000 a year job you ever dreamed of. Just a few clues and ideas separate the big winners from the masses who struggle.

PM incoiming with my new phone number, now up to you.


All YOU needed to make money was to be a fuucking liar, a cheating son of a bitch, a heartless bastard, and a useless piece of shiit. And you WERE and ARE each and everyone of those things in SPADES.