Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Again, the court has defined the issues for the next election.
2010 was a Conservative landslide.
2012 was lost because about 4 million so-called Conservatives did not show up in critical swing states.
2014 was a Conservative landslide.
2016 will be the next Conservative landslide if a strong Conservative can beat the GOP Good-Old-Boys in the primaries.
Thanks to the SCOTUS, that Conservative will win the general in the third Conservative landslide. And hold both Houses.

That our day is over and our race has been run is nothing more than LSM Left-wing propaganda. They are the ones telling us to stay home and not vote.
Unbelievable how so many have bought into their sales job.
They are today's Sunshine Soldiers.

I am inclined to agree. Conservatives now have issue they can use to unite, if they quit feeling sorry for themselves and don't crawl into isolation.

This is precisely the right moment to become politically active and fight for conservative candidates at every level. It is also time to embrace any politician Right of Center to swell the Conservative movement. Quit bitching about what the GOP hasn't done and quit whining about who is not Conservative enough.

It is precisely the right time to embrace everyone from Chris Christy to Rand Paul and all those in between..United, the Right can take the Senate, expand the House, and defeat the beast.

There is now a cause and it should be obvious by putting away petty differences, 2016 can right the ship just as 1980 did. Get the yeast out of your mangina and fight for your cause instead of giving up. The very same people that are moaning about "it's over" claim to be the ones that would fight to the death for the 2nd Amendment. Got any fight in you for the rest of the Constitution? Maybe you might want to work on getting a President elected that won't put a Keagan or Sotomayer on the bench. eh?

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo