The hits keep on coming here.

After 3 rand failures documented previously, I used a 'back-up' pair of boots this past week in Alaska. These are "Mountain Hunters" made in Italy and sold as a $300 plus boot by Cabela's a few years ago. I wore them about 20 hours and 'stored' them at a friend's house, thinking he could use them. Turns out I ran out of boots and got them back and have been wearing the this season. I think he hiked less than 8 hours in them.They looked just the same when I got them back. Anyway, they feel ok and are pretty stout, so I'm thinking I at least have this season covered. I've used them to scout for elk and deer this summer. I don't cover unusual distances, or carry unusual loads.

After washing the AK muck off, I now have to re-glue one of the toe rands, again, as well as the usual rand failure at the ball of the foot on the outside.

Maybe, just maybe, I've learned my lesson about Cabela's hunting boots ... they should provide a bottle of Gorilla Glue.

I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world itself is vexing enough. -- Col. Stonehill